mybloggerbest改成你自己的. 2.如果你的文章比較多,全部打開頁面的時間會比較長 If you have a blog hosted on Blog*Spot and you've upgraded to the new version, there's an easy way to backup your blog. 如果你的博客是XXX.blogspot.com並升級到新版本,那麼就有一種簡單的辦法來备份你的blogger. This page lists the latest N posts from the blog: 這個頁面列出了你的blogger中最近的N篇文章:
http://mybloggerbest.blogspot.com/search?max-results=N Instead of N, type the number of posts. If your blog has less than 1000 posts, you can save this page: 將N改為文章的個數.如果你的文章少於1000篇,你可以保存這個頁面. http://mybloggerbest.blogspot.com/search?max-results=1000 To download all the photos uploaded to your blog, DownThemAll comes to the rescue. The Firefox extension lets you download all the files with a certain extension from the current page, so it's a good way to download all the images from the previous listing. 想要下載上傳到你的blogger中所有的圖片,DownThemAll可以幫你.這個火狐插件可以讓你以一種特殊的擴展名從當前頁面下載所有的文件,所以這是一種很好的辦法從上面的列表中下載所有的圖片.
There's also a way to get all the posts in an XML feed. This is a better format if you intend to import it in a database. 當然也有一種辦法可以以XML格式下載你的blogger中的文章.如果你想存到數據庫中,這是一種更好的辦法. http://mybloggerbest.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?max-results=1000 The number of posts can be easily obtained from the dashboard. 你的blogger的文章數可以很容易的從控制台里看到.
You can also backup the comments: 你也可以备份評論: http://mybloggerbest.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/default?max-results=1000