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ns231, 의 IP주소 변경

등록 2011-08-27 21:04:59 조회 1325
이름 DNS에버

안녕하세요. DNS에버입니다. 의 IP주소가 변경되었습니다.
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Google App Engine Leaving Preview

Dear Google App Engine Application Administrator,

In May at Google I/O we announced that Google App Engine would be
leaving Preview status later this year. As part of Google's long-term
commitment to App Engine, we are also updating our policies, pricing
and support model to reflect its status as a fully supported Google
product. We plan to roll this out in the second half of September but
we wanted to let you know what this will mean for you and your App
Engine applications. Please be aware that the timeline may change, but
you can keep up to date on our progress on the App Engine blog. We
plan to send a second email once the new pricing is in effect.

For all paid applications using the High Replication Datastore (HRD),
we will be introducing a new 99.95% uptime SLA. The current draft form
of the SLA can be found at
For apps not using HRD, we will also soon release a tool that will
assist with the migration from Master/Slave (M/S) to HRD (you can sign
up to be in the Trusted Tester for the tool here: We would like to emphasize that the SLA only
applies to applications that have both signed up to be a paid App and
use the HRD Datastore.
App Engine has a 3 year deprecation policy. This policy applies to the
entire App Engine platform with the exception of "trusted tester" and
"experimental" APIs. This is intended to allow you to develop your app
with confidence knowing that you will have sufficient notice if we
plan to make any backward-incompatible API changes that will impact
your application.
We will be updating the Terms of Service with language more geared
towards businesses. A draft of the new ToS can be found at
We are introducing new Premier Accounts that will have access to
Operational Support, invoice-based billing, and allow companies to
create as many applications as they need for $500 per account per
month (plus usage fees). If you are interested in a Premier Account,
please contact us at

We will be moving to a new pricing structure that ensures ongoing
support of App Engine. Details of the new structure can be found at This
includes lowering the free quotas for all Apps. Almost all
applications will be billed more under the new pricing. Once App
Engine leaves preview this pricing will immediately go into effect,
but we've done a few things to ease the transition:

If you sign up for billing or update your budget between now and
October 31st we will give you a $50 credit.
In order to help you understand your future costs we are now providing
a side by side comparison of your old bill to what your new bill would
be. You can find these in your Admin Console under "Billing history"
by clicking on any of your "Usage Reports". Please review this
information. It's important that you study this projected billing and
begin any application tuning that you want to be in effect prior to
the new bill taking effect.
We have created an Optimization Article to help you determine how you
could optimize your application to reduce your costs under the new
We have created a Billing FAQ based on the questions many of our
customers have had about the new pricing model.
The new pricing model charges are based on the number of instances you
have running. This is largely dictated by the App Engine Scheduler,
but for Python we will not be supporting concurrent requests until
Python 2.7 is live. Because of this, and to allow all developers to
adjust to concurrent requests, we have reduced the price of all
Frontend Instance Hours by 50% until November 20th.
Finally, if you have any additional questions or concerns please
contact us at

In order to graduate from Preview status, we've made and continue to
make large investments in platform features, scalability, and
stability that your applications will benefit from. Thank you for your
support, commitment, and feedback on App Engine as it has developed.
We look forward to working with you for years to come!

Thank You,
The App Engine Team

© 2011 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update
you about important changes to your Google App Engine account.


Домен ****.NET.RU: срок регистрации заканчивается 16-APR-2011

domain registration renewal fee is 14.2 USD

An English version of this message is contained below.

Dear Madam/Sir,

The period of PCSTAR.NET.RU domain registration ends on 16-APR-2011. The
administrator of the domain is Accountants Inc, contract XXXXXXX/NIC-D.

If you plan to further use the PCSTAR.NET.RU domain name, you should renew the
registration for the next year, that is pay the "PCSTAR.NET.RU domain
registration renewal" service fee. The service fee is 14.2 USD (including

If the fee is not paid till 16-APR-2011, then from 17-APR-2011 the domain
delegation will be suspended, and after 16-MAY-2011 the domain will be deleted,
and anybody will be able to register it. Balance of the personal account of the
contract XXXXXXX/NIC-D as of 15-FEB-2011 is: 0 USD.

If there is not enough money in the personal account of your contract, then you
should make a payment. You can choose the most convenient way to make payments
on in the "Prices and Payments" - "Payment
Procedures" section. Please pay special attention to immediate ways of making

In the "Manage your account" - "Services" - "Renew services" section on you can:

- learn about services, currently needing to be renewed

- cancel domain name registration renewal. In that case domain name expiration
notices will not be sent any further, money will not be charged off the
Personal account, the domain will not be renewed

- give your approval for service renewal

- renew the domain name registration in advance, without waiting for
16-APR-2011. In that case the PCSTAR.NET.RU domain registration will be
instantly renewed till 16-APR-2012.

You can get information about your personal account balance and payments on in the "Manage your account" - "Payment" -
"Account balance" section.

If there is enough money on the account of the contract XXXXXXX/NIC-D, then on
08-APR-2011, 8 days before the payment period ends, the 14.2 USD sum will be
blocked, and the 15-APR-2011 will be charged off, after that the domain
registration will be renewed for the next accounting period till 16-APR-2012.

Order of service renewal is described on

2011年2月14日星期一 再次宕机

离上次pipni宕机 没几天,今天VPS又DOWN了(时间是上午)到现在都还没有恢复。

曾经看到pipni的monitoring统计信息,母鸡Load Averages持续都在100以上(4核CPU负载超过20就已经算高了),磁盘使用也已经超过90%了。

pipni vps目前已经关闭免费,注册页面已删,应该可以稳定了。
Debian  1619
Slackware  229
Ubuntu  177
Gentoo  60
ISPconfig (WebAdmin + PhpMyAdmin + WebMail + AwStats)  52
Celkem  2137




《连线》采访了突尼斯网络监管机构Tunisian Internet Agency(ATI,Agence tunisienne d'Internet的缩写)的局长Kamel Saadaoui。 他声称,在去年12月革命开始时,政府黑名单中的网站数量迅速攀升。
至于本阿里为什么没有采用类似埃及的断网和断电话的措施,他认为可能是本阿里对局势预估不足,或者不知道他能够关闭互联网。 ATI在其存在的15年里,在审查互联网和窃取活跃分子电邮帐号方面臭名远扬。网络和电邮流量都要经过ATI的办公室。Saadaoui担任ATI局长一 职已有3年,他坚称只是服从政府命令,现在旧政府被推翻,新政府上台,他也将遵循新的政策,促进互联网的开放。他说,“我们只是计算机和电子工程师,不是 警察。”不是他们决定屏蔽哪个网站,他们并不知道你有没有博客。换句话说,不要谴责他们,他们只是干活的。起初黑名单只有300个左右的网站,但随着网民 数量的增长,被屏蔽网站数量到去年11月超过2000。当政府开始封杀代理服务器时,黑名单迅速增至数千,其中大约一千是政治性网站,其余则是代理服务 器。去年12月革命爆发后,ATI与黑客们展开了一场竞争,匿名组织DDoS ATI的网站,但Saadaoui表示他们的主服务器和网络没受到太大影响。在本阿里逃走后,黑名单并没有完全消失,Saadaoui承诺黑名单中的网站 全是色情、儿童色情、裸体和宣扬仇恨,只使用URL过滤。




1月14日突尼斯独裁总统本·阿里抛弃了他统治了23年的国家,乘飞机逃往沙特阿拉伯避难。这一戏剧性的变化是在短短一个月内发生的。许多人将这场革命称之为"Twitter革命"或"Wikileaks革命"。 这些似是而非的结论掩盖了真相,确实Twitter、博客、Facebook、匿名组织和Wikileaks起了推波助澜之力, 但革命的真正原因是突尼斯国内的高失业率、腐败猖獗,以及食品价格上涨;导火索则是一位受过大学教育的26岁男子Mohamed Bouazizi在去年12月17日,因为警察部门没收他没有执照的蔬菜水果摊,以自焚抗议。这一绝望的举动点燃了人们的怒火,走上街头抗议的民众与警察 和革命卫队发生了流血冲突。其中,互联网在组织抗议上起了十分重要的作用,向世界传播了抗议新闻和照片。突尼斯政府显然没有成熟的网络控制手段,在抗议爆 发之后,它匆匆屏蔽了大量批评政府的网站和博客,接着又笨拙的用JS脚本试图窃取异议者的Gmail和Facebook帐号(EFF本月呼吁安装它的HTTPS Everywhere),随后它逮捕了多名博客和突尼斯海盗党成员。它无力控制网络的弱点进一步暴露:匿名组织发起了攻击政府网站的"突尼斯行动",而Wikileaks泄漏的有关总统家族腐败的美国外交电文则进一步加大了民众的怒火,抗议浪潮一波高过一波,最终导致了政府的垮台。 突尼斯的革命之火正向周围的阿拉伯世界蔓延,埃及和毛里塔尼亚等国的抗议者也开始采用了自焚这种极端手段表达愤怒


IANA Report on the Delegation of the .KP Top-Level Domain

IANA Report on the Delegation of the .KP Top-Level Domain


The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) function of ICANN, as part of the administrative tasks associated with management of the Domain Name System root zone, is responsible for receiving requests for the delegation and redelegation of top-level domains, investigating and reporting on the circumstances pertinent to those requests, and, when appropriate, implementing the redelegations.

In accordance with ICANN's performance of these functions, ICANN received a request for the delegation of the .KP top-level domain. This domain is designated for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the ISO 3166-1 standard. The application was received on 26 January 2007, with supporting documentation received in the following month.

The DPRK is an East Asian country situated on the northern half of the Korean Peninsula with a population of approximately 23 million people. The .KP country code has never been delegated in the DNS root zone.

On 22 October 2004, ICANN received a letter from the Permanent Mission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations, signed by Ambassador Songryol Han. The letter informed ICANN that the "DPRK Computer Center is assigned as the national network center and authorised to manage "KP" state domain by the government of the DPRK." This letter was not supported by any further documentation or any formal delegation request as required to properly instigate a request.

On 22 May 2006, ICANN received a letter from Jan Holtermann of the Korea Computer Center Europe (KCCE) in Berlin, Germany. The letter indicated that the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea would be requesting the delegation of the .KP top-level domain. The letter went on to explain that the KCCE is an affiliate of the Korea Computer Center (KCC) in Pyongyang, DPRK, and that the KCCE will act as their official representative in the delegation matter "due to the difficult communication situation between North Korea and other countries."

On 31 July 2006, ICANN received a letter from the Permanent Mission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations. The letter stated that the Government of the DPRK has designated the KCC to manage the .KP country code top-level domain.

On 22 August 2006, ICANN received a letter from the KCC, signed by Director Kim Chang Ryop. The letter requested that ICANN pursue the next step in the delegation process and referenced the government letter authorizing KCC as the administrator of the .KP top-level domain.

On 30 August 2006, ICANN received the same delegation request lodged via the IANA ticketing system. Upon initial review of the request, IANA staff provided the requestors with detailed instructions on the delegation process and requested additional supporting documentation. In addition, IANA staff asked the requestors to provide a completed template. IANA staff received the completed template but did not receive the requested additional documentation, even after several reminders for that documentation were sent. In accordance with standard procedure, the request was administratively closed on 1 December 2006 after the requestors did not provide the necessary documentation within the specified timeframe.

The applicant resubmitted the request to ICANN on 26 January 2007. Initially there was a misunderstanding about why the previous request was closed. IANA staff explained that it was following its normal process for closing the request after 30 calendar days if the requested information had not been tendered. The supporting documentation for the current request was submitted on 15 February 2007.

A delegation from KCCE, the proposed technical contact, visited the ICANN Offices on 13 May 2007. They were informed of the delegation process, and that the materials submitted in connection with the previous application, was currently under staff review. The delegation was advised that if further documentation or information were needed from the applicant, they would be advised.

The request under consideration seeks the delegation of .KP top-level domain to the Government of the People's Republic of Korea represented by the Korea Computer Center in Pyongyang, DPRK. The KCC is the DPRK government agency designated for the administration and development of information technology in the DPRK. It is proposed that Kim Chang Ryop, Vice President of Korea Computer Center, fill the administrative contact role, and that Jan Holtermann of KCC Europe GmbH fill the technical contact role.

The documentation provided in support of the delegation request includes an endorsement letter from the Permanent Mission of the DPRK to the United Nations, detailed information about the proposed sponsoring organization (KCC), policy and rules that have been established for managing the .KP top-level domain, and a description of the technical structure for operating the domain.

Evaluation Procedure

In its role as investigator of delegation and redelegation requests, IANA procedure is guided by the practices summarized in:

  • "Domain Name System Structure and Delegation" (RFC 1591). This document describes IANA's practices relating to delegations at its publication in 1994. See

  • "Internet Domain Name System Structure and Delegation." (ICP-1). This document represents an update of the portions of RFC 1591 dealing with ccTLDs and reflects subsequent evolution of the policies followed by ICANN through May 1999. See

  • The Governmental Advisory Committee Principles for Delegation and Administration of ccTLDs (GAC Principles). This document serve as "best practices" to guide governments in assuming proper roles with respect to the Internet's naming system. See

In considering the delegation or redelegation of a ccTLD, IANA staff seeks input from both the requesting party as well as from persons and/or organizations that may be significantly affected by the change, particularly those within the nation or territory to which the ccTLD is designated. As noted in ICP-1, the parties affected include the relevant government or public authority: "The desires of the government of a country with regard to delegation of a ccTLD are taken very seriously. The IANA will make them a major consideration in any TLD delegation/transfer discussions."

Taking these factors into consideration, the burden of proof required to permit a delegation involves determining facts that relate to the applicant's capacity to meet the following criteria:

  1. Operational and technical skills

    1. The prospective manager has the requisite skills to operate the TLD appropriately. (ICP-1 §a, RFC 1591 §3.5)
    2. There must be reliable, full-time IP connectivity to the nameservers and electronic mail connectivity to the operators; (ICP-1 §a; RFC 1591 §3.1)
    3. The manager must perform its duties in assigning domains and operating nameservers with technical competence (ICP-1 §d; RFC 1591 §3.5)
  2. Operator in country
    1. The prospective manager supervises and operates the domain name from within the country represented by the TLD; (ICP-1 §a; RFC 1591 §3.1)
    2. The prospective administrative contact must reside in the country represented by the TLD. (ICP-1 §a; RFC 1591 §3.1)
  3. Equitable treatment

    1. The prospective manager must be equitable and fair to all groups encompassed by the TLD that may request domain names (ICP-1 §c; RFC 1591 §3.3)
  4. Community/Governmental support

    1. The prospective manager has the requisite authority to operate the TLD appropriately, with the desire of the government taken very seriously. (ICP-1 §a, GAC Principles)
    2. Significantly interested parties in the domain should agree that the prospective manager is the appropriate party to receive the delegation (ICP-1 §a; RFC 1591 §3.4)

In meeting these criteria, the IANA staff requests information from the applicant. In summary, a request template is sought specifying the exact details of the delegation being sought in the root zone. In addition, IANA staff asks for various documentation describing: the views of the local Internet community on a change; the competencies and skills of the organisation to operate the registry; the legal authenticity, status and character of the proposed operator; and the nature of government support for the proposal.

After receiving these documents, IANA staff analyses the input it has received in relation to existing zone management procedures, seeking input from parties both related to as well as independent of the applying organization should the information provided by the applicant in their request be deficient.

Once all the documentation has been received, IANA staff will also perform various technical checks on the proposed operator's DNS infrastructure to ensure name servers are properly configured and are able to respond to queries for the top-level domain being requested. Should any anomalies be detected in the applicant's technical infrastructure, IANA will work with the applicant to address the issues.

Assuming all technical issues are resolved, IANA staff will compile a report, providing all relevant details regarding the applicant, its suitability for operating the top-level domain being requested, and any other information pertinent to the application and submit that report to ICANN's Board of Directors for its determination on whether to proceed with the request.


This report is being provided under the contract for performance of the IANA function between the United States Government and ICANN. Under that contract, ICANN performs the IANA function, which includes receiving delegation and redelegation requests concerning top-level domains, investigating the circumstances pertinent to those requests, and reporting on the requests. Pertaining to the obligations described in the evaluation procedure, in summary IANA staff has assessed the applicant's credentials to be as follows:

  • Operational and technical skills

    The operator will be the Korea Computer Center (KCC), which was founded on 24 October 1990. According to the documentation provided, the KCC is a state-owned entity, "responsible for the development and organization of the IT-Industry in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" and considered to be the leading organization for information technology development. It is involved in several fields such as software development, research and training.

    The applicants provided fairly detailed information on the policies in place for operating the registry. They have also provided detailed description of the technical infrastructure regarding DNS, registry and whois services for the .KP ccTLD.

    The information available to IANA staff does not provide clear mechanisms for community input in the operation of the domain.

  • Operator in country

    The KCC is located in the DPRK, with the administrative contact as the Vice President of the KCC. IANA was informed that administrative control would reside at KCC within DPRK, whilst the technical operation of the zone would be performed by KCCE in Germany.

  • Fair and equitable treatment

    The applicant has made undertakings to IANA staff that registrations will be performed on a first-come first-served basis that is fair and equitable.

  • Governmental support

    The ICANN Government Advisory Committee Principles observes that the Internet's naming system is "a public resource … administered in the public or common interest." In general, ICANN's GAC recognizes that each government has the ultimate responsibility within its territory for its national public policy objectives, however in the case of a redelegation, this may be tempered by ICANN's responsibility to ensure the Internet DNS continues to provide an effective and interoperable global naming system.

    The Government of the DPRK, through its Permanent Mission to the United Nations, has been the initiator of the request, and actively supports the delegation. The Supporting Organisation has the full endorsement of the government.

  • Community sentiment

    Due to the current lack of development of the Internet in the country, it is difficult to give a clear assessment of the community. In its investigations, IANA staff has determined that Internet development in the country is limited and IANA staff has been unable to conduct an independent review of the local Internet community support.

    However, the KCC, as an arm of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and as a government agency, can reasonably be assumed to reliably represent the government's interest in performing the delegation as requested.

    Furthermore, the applicant has asserted it is appropriate that the Government is in the best position to distil the public interest given the limited deployment of Internet to date.


According to RFC 1591 and ICP-1, ICANN needs to respect the ability for a local Internet community, as well as local law and local government to make decisions concerning the operation of their country-code top-level domain.

Based upon our investigation, IANA staff believes that the applicant has met the basic criteria to support a delegation request. We find no reason not to recommend the introduction of the .KP domain into the DNS root zone.

IANA staff therefore concludes that the .KP domain should be delegated to the Korea Computer Center in accordance with their request.

Postscript: Board Resolution

On September 11, 2007 the Board of ICANN passed the following resolution:

Whereas, ICANN has received a request for the delegation of .KP to Korea Computer Center,

Whereas, ICANN has reviewed the request, and has determined that the proposed redelegation would be in the best interest of the local and global Internet communities,

It is hereby resolved (07.74), that the proposed delegation of the .KP domain to Korea Computer Center is approved.



不要痴迷于从阅读成功人士的传记中寻找经验,这些书大部分经过精致包装,很多重要的事实不会告诉你,盖茨的的书不会告诉你他母亲是IBM董事,是她给儿子 促成了第一单大生意,巴菲特的书只会告诉你他8岁就知道去参观纽交所,但不会告诉你他国会议员的父亲带他去的,由高盛董事接待的……



中广网北京12月15日消息 据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,本轮降温将持续到什么时候,未来几天全国的天气情况如何?我们连线中央气象台首席预报员何立富:

何 立富:中东部地区这股冷空气今天还会继续影响中东部地区,雨雪天气范围,主要压在淮河以南地区,江淮和湖北一带已经开始出现降雪,降雪现已经压到长江一 线。今天白天江南大部分地区以及惠州部分地区会出现降雪,由雨转成雪,一些地方可能会出现中到大雪,局地可能降雪更大,冷空气影响可能在明天趋于结束。




气象专家称全球暖化致极端天气 或将20年一遇

中新网1月18日电 据台湾《联合晚报》18日报道,气象专家称2010年是"极端天气年",极端现象持续到新年度,澳洲出现百年一见的大水、巴西泥石流造成670多人丧生、斯里兰卡有36万人因洪水无家可归,中国、日本、韩国都出现数十年来最低温。今冬全球极端天气层出不穷。专家指出,北半球异常天气源自北极冷风,南半球则主要受到反圣婴现象影响。世界气象组织专家警告,随着全球暖化,以往百年难得一遇的极端天气,将可能变为"20年一遇"。


而澳洲的水患则是反圣婴现象作祟,这次反圣婴现象从2010 年中持续至今,印度尼西亚和巴西的水患也是反圣婴的影响。

2010年已是最潮湿、最热的一年,共有18国出现史上最高温。世界气象组织专家阿斯拉尔说,计算机仿真研究显示,随着全球气候变暖,今后极端天气现象的 发生将更频繁,且强度更大,影响地区更广,例如以往100年将才出现一次的热浪,将可能变为20年出现一次。到了本世纪末,2003年欧洲夏季极端炎热, 可能不再显得很特别。


百度搜索中学网站搜出黄色信息 老师称不合作被“黑”

中广网肥东1月7日消息(安徽台记者张馨月)据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,安徽肥东一中是安徽省示范高中,有着五十多年的历史,然而昨天(6日)上 午,一名合肥网友竟然在网上发帖称,在百度搜索引擎中搜索"肥东一中",打开网页后,出来的是一个黄色网站,内容低俗下流,严重影响学校的形象。 学校方面表示,这个现象已经出现多次,他们也很头疼,当问及原因的时候,他们推测这可能与拒绝百度的推广项目有关。目前警方已经介入调查,究竟谁给网站设置了黄色链接?

昨天上午九点,记者在百度搜索引擎中输入"肥东一中"四个字,搜索结果显示有7万多个信息。记者点击了第一条搜索结果,没想到弹出来的竟然是一个成人网 站,内容不堪入目,里面还有一些淫秽图片和黄色视频。当记者关闭网页后,竟然又连续跳出了多个含有淫秽信息和图片的网页。搜索一个学校的网页,为什么出现 的会是黄色网站呢?记者联系了肥东一中,工作人员说他们正在处理此事。











昨天下午5点,记者再次从百度搜索里找到肥东一中的网站,打开后出现的仍然是黄色网站。目前,肥东一中已经向警方报案,合肥警方以及百度网站正在调查此 事。合肥市教育局装备中心相关负责人表示,合肥市各个中小学网站的管理归各个学校自管,教育局方面对此也没有相应的条例。但是律师认为,网站出现此类错 误,应该严格按照互联网安全法的现行规定进行查处,互联网现在已经普及到千家万户,网络的安全和环境是涉及到每一位公民切身利益的事情,出现这样的问题, 相关部门要大力惩处,保证网络安全。学校网站打开后变成淫秽网站,严重影响了学校的形象,许多家长就此事发表了意见。




洪道德:有些内容可以进一步确定一下。首先,肥东一中向当地公安机关报案,我认为这个做法是非常正确的。肥东一中的工作人员反映,他们也曾经就自己的网站 多次受到攻击向有关部门投诉反映,每一次投诉投诉反映之后都能在一定时间里得到恢复。就这个情况来讲我们要提出一个疑点,那就是说,如果纯粹是黑客在进行 攻击,那黑客怎么知道肥东一中受到攻击向有关部门反映了?就此一点来讲,不排除有关网站运营商有意对肥东一中网站进行攻击的嫌疑。这个嫌疑有待公安机关进 一步查清楚。当然也只有经过公安机关的侦查,才能查清楚这个事情究竟是什么人做的。

还有一点,如果公安机关最后侦查的结果,确确实实如同肥东一中工作人员所说的那样,是因为他们不愿意给某个网站交纳推广费而受到了攻击。这样的话,进行攻 击的这个人或者企业还构成敲诈勒索罪,因为我们知道它实际上是把肥东一中的官方网站给黑掉,变成黄色网站的目的不是为了别的,而是为了从肥东一中获得经济 利益,这个完全符合敲诈勒索罪的犯罪构成要件。